Dear friends,

finally I am back home, exhausted but happy. Agnes is crazy about her little sister. We thought she might get jealous but on the contrary, she wants to play mommy in giving her the nounou or handing me over the bottle for me to feed her. It was so cute. She insisted yesterday carrying with dad the baby in the maxi cosi to the car while we left the hospital with her head up high all proud. She's not the only one to be proud. Florent and I feel very very blessed.
Our Little Josephine is sweet and a very easy baby, never cries unless she's hungry. She's all healthy and we are overwhelmingly happy. We thank God for this gift of life and although, like with Agnes, she needed help in getting into this world per caesarean, we could experience the birth more magical than we could have ever expected. Flo was with me and the whole doctor team was wonderful. I could recuperate well in the last days despite the pain. It's all worth it and I want to deeply thank you for your prayers. I am sure they shield us and warmed our hearts like a blanket of love. May you all be blessed and please understand, if in the next weeks you will not hear so much of me. My life is taking a new rhythm and I need some time to adapt and recover. You're in my thoughts and prayers,


PS.: In the Community you can see the first exclusive photo of Josephin